• This Week:

    Sunday morning continues our "With Love" series in the morning, plus our young children bring their Christmas play. In the evening we've a special Carol service at 6.30pm

If this is your first time finding us, welcome.

We are a Church – a group of people, who believe that Jesus is the son of God.

We’ve become a family of His followers connected by our common faith and a deep desire to see our town, our country, the world, come to know His love, His transforming power and His beauty.

We are not perfect. But Jesus is.

What to expect

Wherever you are in life, we believe that God created you for a reason and to be in relationship with Him. That’s why our mission to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ is at the heart of everything we do!

Sunday mornings

Our Sunday morning worship service lasts about an hour and a quarter. We begin with a time of singing and worshiping God, hear a Bible based message, pray before taking communion, and then finish with more singing. The people who are the church at AEC are from every age group, and come from all walks of life and backgrounds.

We also offer the Junior Bible Class designed just for Primary School kids where they can learn about and connect with God in a way they’ll understand and in a safe environment that they’ll love.


  • Wheelchair accessible
    The entrance and main Church hall are all located on ground floor level, so no need for steep ramps. We also have a wheelchair-ready ground floor toilet
  • Car Parking
    AEC has it’s own car park facilities, with people on hand to help direct you to a suitable space – no matter how busy it may look!

You can come and join us at:

101 Bowtown Road, Loughries, Ballyblack, Newtownards BT23 8SL

Sunday Morning Services: 11:00am – 12:30pm