• This Week:

    Sunday morning continues our "With Love" series in the morning, plus our young children bring their Christmas play. In the evening we've a special Carol service at 6.30pm

Him we proclaim, ..teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ

It’s the goal of all our ministries to teach, support and encourage the saints, providing opportunities for discipleship and growth.


WHO: Anyone aged 18 upwards
WHEN: Every fortnight

God called us into community, with himself, and with his people. What better way to learn to live out the commands to love one another than meeting to chat, study and pray with other believers.

Every other week two of our groups meet in homes in Newtownards with a third meeting in Ballywalter to chat about the themes and truths in the previous Sunday’s message.

It’s a great opportunity to get to know the church and go deeper in understanding God’s word.

There’s always a free seat and hot drink for any who’d like to join.

CONTACT: Pastor Geoff Kennedy on 07912 523788 for more information


WHO: Anyone aged 18 upwards
WHEN: Every fortnight

God called us into community, with himself, and with his people. What better way to learn to live out the commands to love one another than meeting to chat, study and pray with other believers.

Every other week two of our groups meet in homes in Newtownards with a third meeting in Ballywalter to chat about the themes and truths in the previous Sunday’s message.

It’s a great opportunity to get to know the church and go deeper in understanding God’s word.

There’s always a free seat and hot drink for any who’d like to join.

CONTACT: Pastor Geoff Kennedy on 07912 523788 for more information


WHO: Everyone
WHEN: Fortnightly WEDNESDAYS 8pm – 9pm

Luke 6:12 “In these days he went out to the mountain to pray, and all night he continued in prayer to God.” 1 John 5:14 “And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us.”

Knowing how fundamental prayer was in Jesus’ life moves us to not only spend personal time in prayer, but also as a church, to meet weekly to pray.

And yet, the prayer meeting is much more than everyone coming to God with their own request list.

It’s also our desire to grow in knowing God more, and that happens in conversation with God, desiring that we be aligned with his heart, praising him for what he continues to do in our lives, hearing & being burdened with the burdens of the church.

A short Bible study always precedes the time of prayer, which is a great reminder of God’s constant blessing to his people.

CONTACT: Pastor Geoff Kennedy on 07912 523788 for more information


WHO: Women of any age
WHEN: 1st & 3rd WEDNESDAYS 9.30am – 10.30am

Our ‘Women in Prayer’ group is a group of women who have been meeting for many, many years to pray not only for our children, schools and teachers, but is now extended to all our prayer needs.

Our time together always begins with a wonderful time of thankfulness with a different one those attending each week sharing a short devotion, before our prayer time begins. Our prayers range from praying for our church family, our own families, our prodigals, sick, government, church leadership, schools, and our young people, not to mention those more personal requests which we’re often afraid to share, but which we’ve seen so many answered prayers for.

All things shared are treated in the strictest confidence, and we’d encourage you if you’re free twice a month to join us.

Each week we take a small collection which at the summer break is given to various charity works. We also send cards and boxes of chocolates to local schools to let them know the church is praying for them.

CONTACT: Olwyn Morrow on 07923 134030 for more information


WHO: Women of any age
WHEN: WEDNESDAYS 9.30am – 10.15am

Our ‘Ladies in Prayer’ group, borne from our former ‘Mums in Touch’ group is a group of women who meet to pray not only for our children, schools and teachers, but is now extended to all our prayer needs.

We each take turn to lead with a passage of scripture, or something that we have read, or maybe play a song that has touched us.

Following a time of thanksgiving and silent confession, we begin to pray, ending with prayers for upcoming AEC events, prayers for the sick, and any who have specially asked for prayer.

Each week we take a small collection which at the end of the year is given to various missionary works.

CONTACT: Olwyn Morrow on 07923 134030 for more information


WHO: Women of any age
WHEN: 3rd SATURDAY OF THE MONTH 8.30am – 10am

The Ladies Breakfast & Bible study is an informal time of fellowship, conversation & study.

It’s a great time of fellowship over the breakfast table, sharing what’s been going on in our lives and encouraging each other while being served by the men who prepare breakfast.

This is followed at around 9am by our Bible study, which this past year has been in the book of Romans, from the ‘Geared for Growth’ Bible study series, which provides us with a concise summary of the life changing truth of the gospel.

When we return this autumn we plan to look at a study in the book of Hebrews entitled “The absolute supremacy and sufficiency of Jesus as the revealer and mediator of God’s grace.”

We’re all looking forward to it and would love you to join us – whether you’ve been a Christian a long time, are new to the faith, or are still seeking, you’ll be very welcome.

CONTACT:  Evelyn Hogg on ‭07415 159197‬ for more information


WHO: Women of any age

The Ladies Breakfast & Bible study is an informal time of fellowship, conversation & study.

It’s a great time of fellowship over the breakfast table, sharing what’s been going on in our lives and encouraging each other while being served by the men who come so faithfully.

This is followed at around 9am by our Bible study, which is in the book of Revelation with help from the ‘Book by Book’ study guide.

The study has been both challenging and rewarding, discovering the meanings of the messages and visions revealed to John.

We also have fun as we share our thoughts on the study and our life experiences as we seek to live our lives as daughters of the Living God.

CONTACT:  Evelyn Hogg on 028 4278 8740 for more information


WHO: Men of any age

Similar to the Ladies Breakfast & Bible study, the Men’s too is a great time of fellowship, informal conversation & Bible study.

In the last few years we have used the Christianity Explored and Discipleship Explored courses as a means to help unbelievers and young believers to understand faith in Jesus.

Coming together over a sausage or bacon bap and tea/coffee then watching a video presentation before getting involved in an informal chat, or even just listening the topics of discussion is a great way to get to know not only God’s word, but each other, and continues to be a great encouragement to all the men who attend.

If you’re interested in attending please contact Brian or any of the church elders.

CONTACT: Brian Hogg on ‭07745 115417‬ for more information

Discipleship Explored

WHO: Men of any age