• This Week:

    Pastor Geoff begins a new Sermon Series in Revelation

Providing a safe environment for children to grow in the knowledge of God

From toddlers through to secondary school leavers, we make time weekly to create fun places for your children to engage with others of similar ages, to learn and grow together. 


WHO: Parents, grandparents, childminders and their toddlers
WHEN: TUESDAYS 9.30am – 11am

Toddle-in provides a safe and friendly atmosphere where children learn to play and share with others, while parents and childminders relax over breakfast and a cuppa. This is a great place to meet, get to know each other, and share our faith.

The children always start with a free play time, then after snacks get stuck in to some crafts like painting or play-doh. Musical pay along is as popular as it is noisy!

We also held two Pre-Loved Clothes nights, with the proceeds going

We continue to have a prayer box available for prayer requests, and have had the opportunity to share our faith through printed handouts and speaking.


CONTACT: Ruth Kennedy on 07749 523369 for more information


WHO: Parents, grandparents, childminders and their toddlers
WHEN: TUESDAYS 9.30am – 11am

Toddle-in provides a safe and friendly atmosphere where children learn to play and share with others, while parents and childminders relax over breakfast and a cuppa. This is a great place to meet, get to know each other, and share our faith.

The children always start with a free play time, then after snacks get stuck in to some crafts like painting or play-doh. Musical pay along is as popular as it is noisy!

We also held a Pre-Loved Clothes night, with the proceeds going to the Tourette’s charity and a local food bank at Bangor Elim. It was so successful and so many clothes were given that we head to hold a second one later in the year!

We continue to have a prayer box available for prayer requests, and have had the opportunity to share our faith through printed handouts and speaking.


CONTACT: Debbie Hamilton on ‭028 9181 1245‬ for more information


WHO: Boys & Girls PreSchool – P4
WHEN: SUNDAYS 10.50am – 12.15pm

While the grown ups meet in the main church hall during Sunday morning service, the Junior Bible Class meet each in the downstairs youth room, to hear stories from the Bible, do crafts, colour in, and play games.

We cater for a wide range and number of juniors, from our youngest, 3, up to 11 year olds, with anywhere between 8 and 20 children taught by 2 leaders and a teenage helper.

Our leaders use a resource by the Good Book Company called ‘Click’ to teach the children about the Bible, and also use online videos for Bible stories and to teach songs and choruses.

Every year the children of the Junior Bible Class put on a brilliant full-costume Christmas show in front of the whole church.

So if you are P1 to P4, come along each Sunday and check out what we get up to.

CONTACT: Alaister Wilson on 07821 450831 for more information

Youth Zone: Minis

WHO: Boys & Girls Preschool – P3
WHEN: SATURDAYS 10.30am – 12noon

Youth Zone is our uniform based organisation for children of all ages. Minis is a fun place for the children to play and learn together. In addition to playing games, making crafts and sharing snacks, the children are taught from well-beloved Bible stories.

The group is full of brothers, sisters, cousins, and ones who came along not knowing anyone or belonging to the church.. friendships grew among them all.

Each week we look at a Bible character to see how God can use anyone, no matter how big, small, old or shy, and that God could use each Mini within their family, friends and school.

We also spent time this year teaching and learning the Lord’s Prayer – quite a feat for such young children, but what a blessing as whole families joined in to support and encourage their little ones.

The year’s never complete without parties at Christmas and at the end of the season, a spring picnic and our Prize Giving afternoon.

CONTACT: Evelyn Hogg on ‭028 9181 1245‬ for more information

Minis activities are designed to help 4-6 year olds develop;

Spiritually – learning about God,

Socially – learning about the world around us,

Physically – learning to keep fit and healthy and to experience a wide range of practical new skills.


WHO: Boys & Girls P3 – P7
WHEN: MONDAYS 6.45pm – 8.00pm

A lively programme of activities, games and scripture is just the thing for any child.

Through a varied programme of weekly events we offer a lot of choice to our Minors in developing new skills and meeting with their friends to socialise and have together.

An evening begins with prayer, followed with games, badge work, snack time, songs, memory verse, and finishes with a Bible talk. The children especially love singing and dancing their hearts out to the songs.

Our weekly Bible based chats this year began with a special focus on teaching the children the gospel message as a follow on from last summers JAM Club: God Knows you, God hears you, God comforts you and God chooses you.

Among the badge activities we learnt Makaton, and sang and signed a song at the Christmas Carol service, and also completed a First Aid badge, learning basic support skills and what to do in an emergency.

CONTACT: Mark Newell on 07525 857704 for more information